Online Chapter Open Forum - November

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8:30 pm - 9:30 pm ET
Cost: Free


What: Education Forum
When: Wednesday, November 20th, 8:30 PM (ET)
Cost: Free and open to the public
Note: Registration will be in your time zone. Register for the Zoom meeting. You will receive a confirmation and a link to join the meeting.

Contact Chris McCarron, Membership Training & Education Chair if you have any feedback or ideas for future workshops.

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Call for Speakers

Have you presented an educational topic to your club? Would you like to share your investment tips or insights? Have you conducted research and are eager to share your findings? If so, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact Chris McCarron for more details.

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The Online Chapter of BetterInvesting offers an Open Forum for all our Investment Clubs and Individual Members on the 3rd Wednesday of odd-numbered months (eg, January, March, May ....) at 8:30 PM ET (7:30 pm CT, 6:30 pm MT, 5:30 pm PT and 1:30 am GMT on the following day) via this Zoom.  The workshop will open with a topic suggested by the chapter members at prior workshops.  You can add your ideas by taking this short survey 

The workshop concept allows for audience interaction through "open mic" dialogue that allows more meaningful discussions on the topics and the opportunity to actually carry on a two-way conversation.  To the extent possible, we are trying to provide a personal, one-to-one mentoring experience.

To truly make this workshop a success for you, we need your help.  We need to better understand what knowledge you believe you need to be a successful stock investor.  What support do you want, and expect, from your Online Chapter?  What are your ideas, topics, concerns and what knowledge do you think would make you a better investor?   So, please, take a moment and take this short survey. We’ll use your feedback to both create new webinars and interactive workshops and to make it easy to find the wide variety of high-quality stock investing programs that are already available live and in the archives.

We look forward to meeting you.


Just bring a desire to learn more about fundamental stock investing the BetterInvesting way.

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