
Join the FUN…We are accepting volunteers to help other BetterInvesting members learn to be better investors. Volunteers can participate in all our activities while learning from other volunteers.

If you are a person who wants to learn more and likes to make a difference, we have a place for you. This is a great opportunity to learn more about investing while helping the chapter in its educational efforts. You can be part of a team of like-minded, fun chapter volunteers who enjoy working together.  We meet online, so you don’t even have to leave your home for meetings.

If you have a particular skill you would like to share or continue developing, we can find a place where you can spread your wings and grow doing something you enjoy.  Current volunteers will mentor and assist new volunteers so you will have the support you need.

Whether you have a few hours from time to time or can make a longer commitment, you can be an enormous help and we would love for you to join our family.

Think you don’t know enough about BetterInvesting methodology?  Some of our best volunteers started that way and grew their knowledge through being around other like-minded volunteers.

The benefits include exclusive discounts or freebies on many BetterInvesting programs and on BetterInvesting merchandise, including membership, software, and the BetterInvesting National Convention (BINC).

Of course, you also get the satisfaction of helping and learning from your fellow volunteers and other investors.  And best of all, it is fun.

If you have enjoyed any of our events or services, please consider volunteering to help us keep our events going into the future. 

If you think you might be interested in taking a chance by helping us out, send an email to: president@kansascity.betterinvesting.net.