Two Guys Talk Stocks - Live and in Person
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9:15 am - 11:30 am ET
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Cost: Free
Stocks for Interesting Times
Join us for this classic, no-holds-barred, stock discussion. It’s lively and quick, and the chemistry between the “Two Guys” is wicked fun! Ken Kavula and Mark Robertson have presented this show all across the country and at many BetterInvesting National Conventions. The audience drives the direction of the discussion and nothing is off limits!
Our Speakers
About Mark Robertson:
Mark is the Founder and Managing Partner of Manifest Investing and served as senior contributing editor for BetterInvesting Magazine. Since 1993 Mark has worked with investment clubs and individual investors and is a Mid-Michigan BI Chapter volunteer.
Some of Mark Robertson’s national media appearances include CNBC, ABC, National Public Radio, Smart Money, Baron’s, Motley Food, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and MoneyWatch
About Ken Kavula:
Ken is a true BetterInvesting (BI) Champion, as he has been a volunteer for more than 25 years. Ken has received numerous prestigious BI Awards including “George Nicholson,” “Dick Dwyer,” “Kenfield-Burris” and “Kenneth S. Janke Lifetime Achievement.”
Ken is a regular on Ticker Talk, Mid-Michigan BI Chapter Investing Roundtable, and Bull Sessions that he and Mark Robertson produce. Ken devoted his professional career to education and served as a high school principal for 21 years.
NEO 2025 Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
Join us for this classic, no-holds-barred, stock discussion. It’s lively and quick, and the chemistry between the “Two Guys” is wicked fun! Ken Kavula and Mark Robertson have presented this show all across the country and at many BetterInvesting National Conventions. The audience drives the direction of the discussion and nothing is off limits!

Our Speakers
About Mark Robertson:
Mark is the Founder and Managing Partner of Manifest Investing and served as senior contributing editor for BetterInvesting Magazine. Since 1993 Mark has worked with investment clubs and individual investors and is a Mid-Michigan BI Chapter volunteer.
Some of Mark Robertson’s national media appearances include CNBC, ABC, National Public Radio, Smart Money, Baron’s, Motley Food, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and MoneyWatch
About Ken Kavula:
Ken is a true BetterInvesting (BI) Champion, as he has been a volunteer for more than 25 years. Ken has received numerous prestigious BI Awards including “George Nicholson,” “Dick Dwyer,” “Kenfield-Burris” and “Kenneth S. Janke Lifetime Achievement.”
Ken is a regular on Ticker Talk, Mid-Michigan BI Chapter Investing Roundtable, and Bull Sessions that he and Mark Robertson produce. Ken devoted his professional career to education and served as a high school principal for 21 years.
NEO 2025 Annual Meeting & Election of Officers