
Local events are sponsored and staffed by chapter volunteers, a dedicated group of members who give freely of their time and knowledge. We can always use more volunteers to assist the NW Buckeye Chapter with one or more of the following functions:

Facilities - find and book facilities to hold chapter events, especially in outlying areas. 
Publicity - arrange advertisements in local newspapers, community education brochures, etc. 
Teacher - needs good knowledge of BetterInvesting tools. 
Class assistant - helps answer individual questions at chapter classes and assists the teacher. 
Event registration
Desktop publishing - flyers, newsletters, and postcards. 
Audio-visual - equipment setup. 
Membership & club services - visit new and existing clubs (club calls). 
E-mail - list administration. 
Webpage - administration. 

For additional information, please contact the chapter president at president@nwbuckeye.betterinvesting.net.