News & Articles
Online Education Archive
Digging into the BI Magazine – This popular monthly webinar is hosted by the DC Regional Chapter of BetterInvesting on the first day of every month at 7:00-8:15 pm EST. Four stock studies are completed during each session, 2 using SSG Core and 2 using SSG Plus. Two of the stocks presented are from the most recent BI magazine and two are selected at the presenter’s discretion. The presenters are all BetterInvesting members capable of completing stock studies. You can view recordings of all the previous webinars here. Please link and subscribe to the channel.Stock Selection Guide Classes
The DC Regional Chapter offers SSG classes semi-annually in the Fall and Spring of each year. These popular classes are conducted virtually via GoToWebinar. The instructors are long-time BetterInvesting members, and experienced investors with an in-depth knowledge of the SSG tool. The classes are conducted on Saturday over 2 weekends. The focus of the first weekend is basic concepts of long-term investing and creating a successful portfolio using the Stock Selection Guide. During the second week, you will learn how to find objective research, make reasonable projections for the stock's future earning potential and assess if it's likely to be a profitable investment at its current price. You will also practice completing several SSGs individually and as a group.Check our Upcoming Events webpage for the most up-to-date information.
Financial Literacy
Money Matters Book Discussion – A financial book is selected and discussed virtually each month from 7:30-9:00 pm. You do not need to read the book in advance to participate. Often discussion notes are provided before the meeting.
Volunteers are needed to lead discussions. Please consider volunteering to lead a discussion for a book, podcast, video, BetterInvesting magazine or newspaper/magazine article of your choice. Note: When leading a discussion, notes are nice to have but not mandatory.
If you would like to lead a discussion on a topic of your choice, feel free to add your name and discussion source (book, podcast, etc.) to any open slot on the discussion schedule. Signup to lead a discussion here. A list of books suggested for future discussions can be downloaded here. A historical list of prior discussions is shown here.
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Please complete the form at the bottom of our homepage to join the DC Regional Chapter Guest List for timely email reminders of upcoming events.The D.C. Regional Chapter also publicizes its seminars, educational courses, and other programs in the Regional Notices section of BetterInvesting Magazine.