
The Puget Sound Chapter is one of the most active chapters in the nation. We provide periodic Stock Selection Guide classes and hold our Investors Education Conference, considered one of the best in the country, each Fall. We have sponsored two investment cruises to Alaska. We send you chapter newsletters via email once a month and a print newsletter at least annually. We provide free club visits when asked. The list goes on and on.

This is all done by volunteers. We need some new volunteers, including board directors, to help with these events if they are to continue.  Some of our volunteer directors are new. Some have been volunteering for 30 years. We have fun doing what we do and enjoy each other’s company at our meetings.

If you have enjoyed any of our events or services, please consider volunteering to help us keep our events going into the future. Whether you have a few hours now and then or can make a longer commitment, you can be of enormous help.

Here is an overview of the various volunteer roles in a BetterInvesting chapter:

  • What is a “Volunteer”? 
    A BetterInvesting member who wishes to contribute to the chapter.  A volunteer may be invited to become an Associate Director on the Chapter Board or, after service the prescribed “apprenticeship period”,  be eligible to be voted in as a director.

  • What is an “Associate Director”?
    A volunteer that wants to be involved in the leadership and management of the Chapter.  It is a prerequisite to being nominated for election as a full Director. It can be considered to be a training ground prior to election to full Director to determine if the candidate fully understands and accepts the duties and responsibilities of a full director. The Associate Director position affords the Chapter Board the opportunity to work and observe the candidate for a period of at least one year to see if the person is compatible with the Chapter Board and its purpose.

  • Who can be a Director?  
    Any Puget Sound Chapter member may be elected to be a Director after service as an associate director.  There are prerequisites to being a Director.  A prospective Director must first have satisfactorily served as either a Volunteer or an Associate Director for one minimum year.  

  • Who are the Officers of the Board and how are they selected? 
    The officers of the Puget Sound Chapter are a President, several functional area Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.  Following the Annual Meeting and preceding the beginning of the next fiscal year,  the current President convenes a special Chapter Board meeting for the purpose of electing officers for the new fiscal year from the newly elected Board.  

Associate and full directors receive deep discounts on BetterInvesting membership fees, online tools, classes, and the BetterInvesting National Convention, as well as the benefits from our educational opportunities and skills training at Board meetings and social events.

Please contact us at President@puget.betterinvesting.net to learn more, or submit the Volunteer Application form.   We look forward to meeting you!

Here are some of the ways you can help:
  • Board member
  • IEC volunteer (many small jobs)
  • Newsletter writer/contributor
  • Website design/maintenance
  • Social Media/Meet-Up Coordinator
  • Marketing/publicity
  • Class instructor