Chapter Board Meeting - April
4002 16th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79416
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This is the April Meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Texas Chapter of BetterInvesting.
The West Texas Chapter encourages you to visit our Model Investment Club meeting as well as our Chapter Board Meetings.
Our meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, except for July and December. The Chapter Board Meetings take place at 11:00 A.M., following the Model Investment Club meeting which starts at 9:00 A.M.
All are welcome. Both meetings are open to BI members and non-BI members.
Please join us at our Chapter Board Meetings to learn what the board is planning and to give us input as to what your chapter can do for you. The West Texas Board of Directors would appreciate feedback or ideas from any investor in our geographic area.
Please visit our Model Investment Club and learn how a successful investment club operates. The Model Investment Club also has an educational segment that is of interest to all investors.
Online and In Person at the Carillon Senior Living - Windsong Conference Room in Lubbock, Texas.
Be sure to check for locations on all events.
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