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How to Find New Investment Club Members

Why is finding the people to be in your club so important? The success of the club depends on it!

A club cannot exist if it’s divided between long-term investors who are committed to following BetterInvesting’s principles and others who are determined to act as traders, moving in and out of the market or follow other investing strategies. There’s no wriggle room when it comes to finding people who commit to this as history has shown us that clubs lacking a clear focus will fail otherwise.
The people you choose to join the club will make or break your club well before the performance of any stock will. The following considerations will help you find good candidates for club members.
  • Interest level.  Recruit only those individuals who have a high level of interest. Don’t waste your time trying to convince people to join.
  • Desire. Recruit those who are proactive and ask what they can do to help move things forward before having to be asked. 
  • Background.  Recruit prospective club members carefully from a number of diverse sources and professional backgrounds.  The life experiences and expertise each person brings to the club provides a wealth of value not easily acquired elsewhere.
    • Family, co-workers, neighbors, church members, and friends are good places to start.
    • Look for people not too far above or below your own level of investing experience.
Each prospective club member needs to be willing to pull their own weight when it comes to performing the duties of the club. Require all member of the club to be on the same page when it comes to actively participating and contributing toward the clubs’ success.
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