Space Coast Model Stock Investment Club - May

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7:30 pm - 8:45 pm ET
Cost: Free but one-time registration required

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Membership is open to all BetterInvesting North Florida Chapter members.   Using the link shown you can register once for all future sessions.  Reminders will be sent to you.



The Space Coast Model Investment Club is held on the first Monday of each month.  The meeting time is 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm ET.  During the meeting, we start with a 10-minute investing education presentation followed by a stock study of interest to the club.  After the presentation, the club's partners analyze the club's investment portfolio and make adjustments as necessary.  The partners then act on the stock recommendation that was made earlier along with any other buy/hold/sell decisions needed to tune up the club's investment portfolio.  

All stock studies and education presentations are archived on the club's website.
Click to view the Stock Studies archive.
Click to view the Education Presentations archive.


The only prerequisite is that you have a curiosity about learning how to invest in the stock market by applying BetterInvesting's time test philosophy, principles, and stock analysis process.

Event Contact

If you have any questions please contact Thomas Brooks