October 2022 Updates

BetterInvesting is pleased to announce new features that were recently implemented in the CoreSSG, SSGPlus and Screening tools. These features are live for those who already have access (Lifetime Members, volunteers and subscribers). There is no software for you to update, install or register.

These feature updates included changes to the PDF report created from CoreSSG and SSGPlus

  • Added the 52 W High/Low P/E to the PDF report in Section 3
  • Added a Preference setting to show/hide the 4E -  % Appreciation (Simple Return) value on the PDF report
  • Added a Preference setting to show/hide the Projected Return based on Avg P/E (PAR) on the PDF report
Additionally, the team fixed an unnecessary page loading issue which caused an error when user had both the SSG app and My Studies or Portfolio pages open in different browser tabs.

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